Facts About Domestic Violence

Domestic violence can happen in three different ways; physical, sexual, and emotional. Listed below are some examples of such. Physical abuse – includes the following: The perpetrator has:  Pushed and shoved you  Held you down and kept you from leaving or getting up  Bitten, choked, or kicked you  Hit or punched you, which may or may […]

Warning signs of domestic abuse

To help identify domestic violence, the following indicators are listed. Any single characteristic is not a sign of trouble, but several combined would be grounds for further investigation. The abused woman:  Shows guilt, ambivalence, and fear over living conditions.  Feels isolated and untrusting of others, even though she may be involved in the community.  Is […]

What Keeps Women In Abusive Relationship

Economic and Financial Dependence Who will support her and the children? She may have no financial resources, access to resources in general, or any job skills. If she has children, it becomes more difficult to leave without having the ability to get affordable housing, transportation, childcare, etc. She may even fear that her house or […]

Your Royal P***hood!

Your Royal P***hood!

1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” How does it feel when you are meant to maintain divine decorum, you’re busy minding your business and someone […]

Lesson learnt from a sieve

Lesson learnt from a Sieve

Jesus Errand Daughter Rev Honour Adewole It is interesting to know that when our minds are stayed on Jesus, every aspect of our lives reinforces His Word. The Word becomes the mirror that reflects in our daily activities. When we become Jesus addicts, we yearn for Him and our souls are fattened the more we […]

Lessons learnt from making Beans Cake

Lessons learnt from making Beans Cake - Wisdom House

By: Jesus Errand Daughter Rev Honour Adewole During the COVID-19 pandemic, whilst on lockdown, I discovered my creative and innovative juices were flowing seamlessly. God is Good! I guess I just need some time out to rejuvenate, relax and reintegrate my culinary skills in the heart of every home: kitchen. I decided to make some […]

Imperfectly Perfect Parents

Imperfectly Perfect Parents

(Psalm 127:3-5, Genesis 3:1-11) Hi there! This is the first of a series of write-ups on issues that affect everyone at one time or the other in the realm of life. Today, my focus is on Parenting; the challenges, the demands, the highs and lows and rewards of being an imperfectly perfect parent. So you […]